It started on my third year in university, when i decided to collect all things black/white/grey. I couldn't afford to distract myself and my fashion collection with colorful clothes. I just need to concentrate with my school project instead of choosing the right top to match my full printed skirt. I finally clicked with the monochrome world, and when i decided to color my hair white(and during my final exams) i feel super safe and comfortable in black/white or sometimes grey. I feel invisible and bold at the same time, i started to collect basic pieces just because i spent all of my money for my school projects. After years of curiosity, one now understand why designers love to wear black including the legendary Karl Lagerfeld and the one and only Mary Katrantzou too!
Btw, almost all of my Indonesian friends in Milan love to wear black too, maybe the milanese love black so much and after a few years in Milan, somehow we blend with the rest of the city. If you think black and white is so boring... let me tell you my trick to wear interesting black and white outfit.
- Play with textures and volumes:
Your outfit won't be just black and white because of the textures and volumes of the clothes, for example wear neoprene base clothing to add smooth volume, and see through fabric for the bottom. Whether you crop your basic white tee or buy the XL instead of your usual S. have fun with black and white.
Black and white prints will rock your day! You'll look cool but modest at the same time, i love to wear full printed outfits in black and white.
-Colorful Accessories:
Add a little bit of color here and there, for example: i use my printed Marni trunk bag and gold ankle cuff to match my shoes. Be creative, if you wear hijab, i think grey/green hijab will do the job. Add a statement necklace or two if you choose grey hijab.
Have fun in black and white guys!
Dimulai waktu aku kuliah di tahun ke 3, aku mutusin buat beli barang barang berwarna hitam / putih / abu-abu soalnya aku ga bisapakai baju warna warni pas lagi bikin koleksi bajuku sendiri, dan sibuk banget sampe ga ada waktu lagi buat mikir mau mix and match bajuku yg penuh prints dengan apa. Ditambah pas warnain rambut jadi putih, aku ngerasa super aman dan nyaman dalam warna hitam / putih atau kadang-kadang abu-abu. Aku merasa invisible but bold pada saat yang sama, Setelah bertahun-tahun pengen banget tau kenapa, sekarang aku ngerti kenapa designer suka memakai outfit hitam termasuk Karl Lagerfeld dan Mary Katrantzou juga!
Btw, hampir semua teman-teman Indonesiaku di Milan suka memakai baju hitam juga, mungkin karena orang di Milan cinta hitam juga dan setelah beberapa tahun di Milan, entah bagaimana kita menyatu dengan kota tersebut. Jika kamu pikir hitam dan putih itu ngebosenin...Beriut tips biar kamu tetep menarik pakai outfit monochrome!
- Bermain dengan tekstur dan volume:
Pakaian kamu tidak akan hanya hitam dan putih karena tekstur dan volume yang berbeda, misalnya mengenakan pakaian dari bahan neoprene untuk menambah volume , dan yang tembus pandang kaya chiffon untuk roknya. Kamu juga bisa potong T-shirt putih kamu jadi crop top atau malah beli baju yang kebesaran banget biar outfit kamu lebih menarik dari biasanya.
Kamu akan terlihat keren tapi sederhana pada saat yang sama, aku suka memakai pakaian full prints dengan warna hitam dan putih.
Aksesoris -Colorful:
Tambahkan sedikit warna di sana-sini, misalnya: aku pakai tas Marni full prints dan ankle cuff gold biar matching sama sepatuku. Coba berpikir kreatif, kalo kamu memakai hijab, menurutku warna abu-abu / hijau bakal cocok banget. Pakai statement necklace biar makin stylish!
jangan takut boring ya guys, selamat mencoba!
Top: & Other Stories
Skirt: The stylish by Sallyns
Shoes: Stella Mccartney
Bag: Marni
Ankle Cuff: Aeroculata
nice outfit!
ReplyDeletethat mesh skirt is cool <3
Mr. Rebel in Town
love those ankle bracelets <3
Sequin Queen
Amazing skirt!
Oh gosh, this bag is megacool!!!
I love your outfit. it's perfect especially the ankle cuff. btw thank you for the tips, I will try :)
Absolutely inspiring! The advices are noted! Thanks btw.
ci you looks great even in black and white, that's an awesome shoes anw !!
black and white will never goes wrong.
ReplyDeletetotally agree with you!
a super great bag and shoes
ReplyDeletevisit mine,
Miss Aa