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Childhood Dreams

Childhood dreams... Oh let me tell you how old i am, i'm 22 years old, some people said that i'm still too young to understand a lot of things, some think i need to settle down, some... called me Mrs instead of Miss....
I have a lot of older friends and i never understand why would they cringe everytime i told them the year when i was born. Until... some readers of mine hit me with some questions in and told me that they're born in 2000-2001... Wow, i can't believe it's 14,5 years since 2000, time flies too fast... Being in my early twenties i should be happy right? I'm living my childhood dream of becoming a woman, a person who knows what she wants and could decide what's for breakfast by herself... But the Peter Pan in me always search for ways to escape the reality and I'm lucky, because i surround myself with people who made our childhood dreams come true.  No you need no fairy these days, duh... just a dreamy location like Four Seasons Hotel Florence and a legendary photographer Mr. Kay Moreno,the most humble photographer I've ever encountered. I'm blessed because i got to work with so many inspiring people and as a blogger i'm lucky because i could take many amazing pics for my blog! Thank you for these wonderful pics ka Kay :)

Setiap orang pasti pernah punya impian waktu masih kecil, oh buat yang belum tau, tahun ini umurku 22. Banyak yang bilang tau apa sih anak umur 22, ada juga yang nyuruh nikah cepet, ada juga yang udah manggil tante.
Aku punya banyak teman yang lebih tua dan ga pernah ngerti kenapa mereka stress banget setiap kali aku kasih tau aku lahir tahun 1992. Sampai ... beberapa readerku kasih pertanyaan di dan bilang mereka lahir  tahun 2000-2001 ... Wow, sudah 14,5 tahun sejak tahun 2000, time flies too fast! ... berada di awal dua puluhan harusnya aku senang kan? Aku hidup di impian masa kecilku.Jadi seorang wanita, orang yang tahu apa yang dia inginkan dan bisa memutuskan  makan apa untuk sarapan nanti... Tapi aku selalu mencari cara untuk melarikan diri dari kenyataan dan aku beruntung, karena aku kenal banyak orang yang bisa wujudin mimpi kita semua. ga perlu nunggu keajaiban hari gini... hanya lokasi seperti Four Seasons Hotel Florence dan fotografer legendaris Mr Kay Moreno, fotografer yang paling rendah hati yang pernah aku kenal. Aku beruntung  karena bisa kerja bersama orang2 kreatif yang menginspirasi aku buat jadi lebih baik lagi + bisa dapet foto foto yang abgus bgt buat blogku.Thank you for the pics ka Kay :)

Photographed by:
Kay Moreno


  1. The photos are so good! It has this dreamy kind of aura that makes you look so beautiful!


  2. Great photos! Nice write up too...
